
6 oct 2011

digital book: starter unit

Time and daily routine: here

Chores (housework) and adverbs of frequency: here

pronouns and possessive adjectives: here

Comparatives: here

3 oct 2011

Daily routines

If you want to improve your vocabulary related to your daily routines, click the link and you'll find lots of activities to do. They are funny and there are videos as well as games. Enjoy them!
daily routines

game I: here 
game II: here 

some activities to learn more vocabulary (chores): here

Adverbs of frequency

The keywords for present simple are the adverbs of frequency. Remember their position in the sentence: BEFORE THE MAIN VERB but AFTER THE VERB TO BE.

To practise their position in the sentence:
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3 (easy)
Exercise 4 (easy)
Exercise 5 (easy)
Exercise 6
Exercise 7 (to practice the meaning)

English pronouns and possessive adjectives

Do you still have problems with the English pronouns and the possessive adjectives??? Don't worry. First, look at the two explanations and then do all the activities.

Click here:

22 sept 2011

Comparative and superlative

Let's practice:
easy activities:  act. 1   act. 2   act. 3
medium level: act. 4    act. 5
as ... as: act. 6  act. 7
Comparative or superlative? act. 8   act. 9   act. 10

Funny page about adjectives and comparatives: Adjective Detective
Funny hangman (ahorcado): here
Basketball game: here (choose the ball with 1,2 or 3 points, click on it, choose the right option, click on the ball again when it says SHOOT. Good luck!)
The box game: here

Song: record breakers

Present Simple

Here you are the grammar explanation of the present simple. Click the links:

Now, it's time to practice!
1. Do you want to practice the present of the verb TO BE? Click here:
2. Let's practice the present simple of other verbs. YOU CAN DO IT!
3. If you have difficulties with the 3rd person singular in present simple, do these activities about SPELLING CHANGES when adding -S.

Enjoy irregular verbs!

Practice before the exam, click here:

Test yourself

Jeopardy quiz: game

Another funny game: click here for the past simple and here for the past participle

Don't forget to study the meaning too!